The use of Actilite on a venous leg ulcer

The use of Actilite on a venous leg ulcer

Pam Kirby - Vascular Nurse Specialist, Kings Mill Hospital


W.M. is an age 38 male patient with a venous leg ulcer as a result of a traumatic accident to the ulcer site 18 months previously.

He has been treated with various methods of compression bandages and hosiery in the past with poor results and was seen by the dermatologists who also failed to provide a solution. He was referred by dermatology to the vascular clinic for an opinion regarding the non-healing ulcer.


He was diagnosed as venous in origin with an Ankle Brachial Pressure Index of 1.06 and a duplex scan to demonstrate venous insufficiency. W.M. had previously been treated with compression but found it painful and was using a Class 1 compression stocking as this was the only thing he could tolerate over his dressings.

Actilite and a foam dressing were applied over the whole area, and he continued with the same stocking.

4 weeks into treatment and ulcer size has reduced, slough lifting, and surrounding skin almost healed. Pain had substantially reduced and W.M. was now able to tolerate class 2 hosiery.

12 weeks and cavity now filled, awaiting epithelial cover, there is no slough present and size has greatly reduced.