The effects of Activon Manuka honey on a non-compliant patient with chronic venous leg ulcers

The effects of Activon Manuka honey on a non-compliant patient with chronic venous leg ulcers

Ann Smith - RGN District Nursing Sister - Stocksbridge, Sheffield


Mrs. H is aged 64 years and presented to District Nurses with bilateral leg ulcers in January 2005 and following Doppler examination this was found to be venous in origin.


Mrs. H was having both legs re-dressed 3 times a week with many dressings but was non-compliant and complained of severe pain and discomfort. The patient was returning to clinic every day (twice some days) complaining of pain, offensive odour and excessive exudate.

There were many failed attempts at treating this lady with various antimicrobials and dressings, and advice given on a healthy diet and


Prior to treatment both legs were extremely odorous and highly exudating


exercise with which the patient did not comply. Mrs H's GP and nursing staff spoke to her about the possibility of surgical intervention maybe amputation of both legs, this was a shock to the patient.

Fortunately we were introduced to theActivon Range (including Activon Tulle and Activon Tube) by the Advancis representative. The clinical staff elected to use the Activon Range as a last attempt to resolve this patient's condition. We applied the products to the patient and after two applications the odour had decreased, the exudates were slightly less and there was no pain on removal.


Left and right leg one week into treatment odour had decreased and exudates were slightly less


The patient saw an improvement and therefore began to comply with the treatment regime.As a result of this Mrs. H began gentle exercise and changed her diet, which improved her condition holistically. We have continued this treatment 3 times a week for almost 6 months and have now almost healed the ulcers.The patient has now been measured for support hosiery.

Mrs. H is now fully compliant with treatment, has lost 2 stones in weight and has a much healthier life style.

Left and right leg six months into treatment